High-Powered Infrastructure for Advanced Computing Needs

AboutBit is delivering modular rapidly-scalable high density infrastructure to clients operating in the High Performance Computing market.

BTC Carbon Footprint

In 2019, AboutBit’s founders assessed the crypto mining carbon footprint and set out to lower greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively.

Containerized Data Centers

Through a custom-designed AboutBit container, we’re providing a comprehensive, economical, and secure platform for natural gas-powered data mining.

Powering Cost Savings

The temperature-controlled containers offer a low-cost solution to crypto mining — using natural gas wells for industry-leading power costs.


Interested in becoming a Limited Partner?

Investing with a Purpose

While crypto has reached global appeal, there is a significant impact the process has on the planet. Let’s invest in a smarter solution to crypto mining.

How it Works

Each mine is an LLC. After expenses are deducted, a 10% management fee is applied, and profits are split 80/20.

Prioritizing ROI

Once a Limited Partner achieves a 100% return on investment, full mine ownership reverts to AboutBit. Initial partners are granted priority access to receiving new mines.

Lower risk. Greater reward.

AboutBit is propelling higher gross margins and providing a lower risk environment for its partners, the industry, and the planet.
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